Mission Statement
Our school is a private education centre, which offers an alternative to large mainstream schools.
Our aim is to provide an environment which is conducive to independent learning, in line with U.K. educational philosophy of constructivism and methodologies based on blended learning; a place where students are engaged and inspired.
As a multi-denominational, co-educational school, we encourage all our students to achieve their full potential, both educationally and personally.
We do this by creating a caring and happy environment, where our dedicated teachers can give expert, individual attention to all students, across the widest range of subjects available anywhere on the coast.
Most schools restrict a student's choice of subjects by placing them into option blocks. At Emerald Sixth Form, we focus on providing the subjects which the students want to study.
We have hugely experienced teachers from a range of international backgrounds, who can inspire our students to perform beyond their expectations in very small classes, normally 1 to 10 or often fewer.
Our students benefit from
constant academic mentoring.
continuous pastoral care.
study skill seminars.
information literacy sessions.
extra English language from our TEFL teacher.
Day-to-Day Goings On, News & Events

12 December 2024
Year 12 Business Studies
Today, Year 12 had a guest speaker, the ex-CEO of WHSmith, Steve Clarke, who came into school and listened to our brilliant business presentations on bringing a male makeup product to the mass market. The students did really well and Steve gave them some excellent feedback. He was very impressed by the standard of presentation delivered and will award the winning presentation in the New Year!

14 October 2024
Year 10 Biology
Today, Year 10 were extracting DNA from fruit in their Biology class.

12 September 2024
School Games Afternoon
The now-traditional event, a bonding session for all students at the start of a new school year, took place down at the beach this afternoon.
Teams of mixed years played each other at volleyball and soccer in the afternoon sunshine.
All good fun and the new students got a chance to interact with the rest of the school in an informal manner.

12 September 2024
Selling England By The Pound
Students building "businesses" in my Business Studies class today so they can learn about stocks and shares by selling off the parts.


31 May 2024
2024 Graduation Ceremony
At midday, the students of Year 11 and 13, their families and the staff of the school all gathered at Emerald for the 2024 Graduation Ceremony. It was a wonderful celebration of two years of hard work by everyone concerned, as the students complete one stage of their young lives, leaving them poised to embark on the next. Whether that is returning to sit A Levels in September, going on to university or college, or entering directly into the workforce, we at Emerald Sixth Form wish the Class of '24 Farewell and Good Luck!

31 May 2024
Video Roundup
A short video highlighting just some of the things the students do at Emerald Sixth Form.

2 May 2024
Year 10 Science Trip to Castellar Zoo.

2 May 2024
Taking The Plunge.
Brave or crazy? You decide!

26 March 2024
Egg Drop Science Activity.
We saw some egg-cellent designs and egg-ploratory ideas. Unfortunately, none of our eggs survived impact... an egg-cruciating end to the testing phase. At least a cracking time was had by all.


12 February 2024
Year 13 Biology. "Investigating Habituation in Snails".
No animals were harmed in this experiment. Harry and Henrietta were both released back to their natural habitat afterwards.


8 February 2024
Year 10 and most of Year 11 went to the Chocolate Factory, ostensibly to learn about business practices. However, I suspect consuming vast amounts of chocolate might have been higher on the agenda!
In any event, much was both learned and eaten.

31 January 2024
Life savers.
All these students have passed an exam in Emergency Resuscitation.
Food Culture Topic Day in English as a Second Language.
Today, we enjoyed food from each other's countries to initiate the new topic of Food and Culture. It was a wonderful success, and the students learned about each other's foods.

16 & 17 January 2024
A Level Biology practical, dissecting a kidney.
AS Level Biology, preparing a root tip squash slide to observe mitosis.



The Ghost of Christmas Presents

26 October 2023 Hallowe'en Fun
Today the students enjoyed a variety of activities to celebrate Hallowe'en, icludung a devilish escape room, costume competition won by Patrick, and scary movies for both young and older.

18 October 2023 Cake Sale
Today there was a cake sale organised by Mia and Olivia W in aid of the dog rescue charity ADANA. They raised a magnificent 420 euros for a very good cause.



20 September 2023 Bonding Beach
This afternoon, the vast majority of the school went down to the beach for some games to help everyone get to know each other. It was certainly very hot, over 30°, but a lot of fun was had by all.


Congratulations to all our A level and IGCSE students who achieved the results they deserved, due to all their hard work during the last two years.
A special mention to the 9 students who achieved A* grades and Violette, Dimitri and Mabelle who achieved a total of 18 A grades and four B grades in their IGCSEs.
Well done and all the best in the future!

31 May 2023 LAST DAY OF TERM
Year 10 and one Year 11 student gathered today at school for some fun activities to celebrate the final day of this academic year.
Also, there was a new boy at school on a "taster day". Bruno the two-month-old Mastin-cross puppy belonging to Mr Charles. First they all went to the beach. Some went in the sea, others played football and one or two just lay in the sun and chilled. And Bruno got lots of walks and cuddles.
After break there was a competition to see which team could paint the outdoor furniture the best. See who you think should be the winner.

25 May 2023 SCIENCE FUN
YEAR 10 scientists were challenged to a raft-building exercise, on a small scale.

Year 11 and 13 student, with family and friends all gathered at the school for their Graduation Ceremony.
There were speeches by Head of GCSE, Craig Westwell and Head of Sixth Form, Claire Gaukrodger, who introduced Luca-Jane Doerfer, the recipient of the Dr. Louise O'Reilly Scholarship for 2021-2023.

Craig's Speech Good afternoon, parents, staff and students of Emerald Sixth Form. It is my great pleasure to speak to you this afternoon on the occasion of our Graduation for 2023. Today we celebrate the achievements and hard work of our Year 11 and 13 students as they begin the final stage of their journey – the exams! Students: for the past two years you have been pushed, cajoled and sometimes dragged kicking and screaming into working hard, but only because we, as staff, have had your success very much at heart and know you needed a good shove in the right direction in order to do your best. And do your best you have, laying the foundations you need on which to build your futures, whether that future lies in A Levels, University or the workplace. Under our guidance you have reached this stage in your lives with honour and integrity. Your teachers are proud of what you have achieved over the years, the way you have related to us, to each other and to the goals we have set for you. We know you have gained many of the skills you will need to make a success of the next stage in your lives. We know you will face many challenges in the years ahead, and we will not be there for you to fall back on. You have learned independence, self-reliance and how to care for each other too. As you leave here and go out into the big, wide world, take your memories and experiences with you, be grateful for the opportunities you have been given and be good ambassadors, not just of Emerald Sixth Form, but of your generation. Think big, aim high and strive to be the very best you can be at whatever you choose to do. Be kind, thoughtful, caring and generous of spirit. Look after yourselves, your family and friends and strangers too and above all care for your environment. This world is the only one you’ve got. Go out into it with confidence and make it yours.
Claire's Speech I've been fortunate enough to have taught this student for 4 years now. I'm sure that anyone who knows her will recognise how much she pours her heart and soul into her studies as well as how dedicated she is to helping the wider school community: from volunteering for fund-raising events, to tutoring and helping to mentor our younger students. Luca is a phenomenal person and in recognition of all of her efforts she was awarded the Dr. Louise O'Reilly scholarship to study A levels at Emerald Sixth Form. For those of you who are new to the school, Emerald Sixth Form was started by Paul and Louise O'Reilly back in 2016 with only 4 students. Since then it has grown to the community we have today of almost 40 students. In honour of our co-founder, the "Dr Louise O'Reilly Scholarship" was established.
Luca's speech For the past 4 years I have spent most of my days here, growing, learning and experiencing and it’s weird to think that soon I will be going my own way. Although I’m excited to step into my future, there are so many things I have enjoyed about this experience that it is a bittersweet goodbye. I know I won’t miss Amy telling me to “fix up”, Claire reminding me about dress code rules or Paul asking me to write a speech last minute but that’s what makes Emerald so unique. We all have diverse experiences that involve challenges and learning beyond the book. A prime example is some of Craig’s life advice I received after making a mistake. I’m not too sure which one as I have made a few, but it was “assumption is the mother of all fuck ups”. I have used this in many situations, and will continue to do so in my future. Thanks sir. My first few weeks here I felt overwhelmed by the care I received, especially from Amy. Turns out my mum had told her that I was socially awkward and you took your job as my mentor very seriously. My mum thanks you for that, and I thank you for your continued support and care over the past 4 years. And as for you Claire, I have the upmost respect for you, the time and energy you have dedicated to me personally and the school is second to none. Thank you, my experience wouldn’t have been the same without you. Paul, I would like to say a big thank you for giving me the opportunity to stay on to complete my A levels through the scholarship programme, I hope I have exceeded your expectations. From my own dysfunctional family to the Emerald dysfunctional family, you have helped me feel at home. To the year 11’s, if you continue your studies here I hope you enjoy it as much as I have, and if not, I wish you the best in your future. To my class, I hope you achieve all that you want for your future and more. Thank you.

February 2023
Year 10 Science students visit the Principia Centro de Ciencia in Málaga.
On Tuesday 21st February, Year 10 Science students went to the Museo Principia de Málaga. The guide showed and displayed very cool experiments in front of us. My favourite experiment was when he set salts and ethanol on fire to show the different colours. After

that we went into a planetarium and saw the sky of Malaga at day and night. We were then shown the museum's exhibits. We could use the equipment and test everything out.
Overall it was a great experience and we had a lot of fun.
By Althea and Yuli

January 2023
At the end of January, Mr. Craig and Ms. Alex took a group of our students on a trip to Paris.
On our first day there, we visited the Eiffel Tower, where we got to see the amazing views of Paris from high up. Afterwards we went to the Louvre and managed to see the Mona Lisa, amongst the vast displays of famous works of art.
At the end of the day, we found a little cafe and had some "Virgin Mojitos", followed by dinner in a cosy Italian restaurant.
On the second day, we took the metro to the Museum of Modern Arts, where we visited the many different exhibitions and sculptures. Afterwards, we took a stroll down to Notre Dame for some photos. Then it was the metro to the Arc de Triomphe for more photos and we had some macarons at the famous Maison Ladurée.

All too soon, it was time to return to the hostel, pack our things and be ready for an early start for the journey home.

Your donation of 350.00 euros will bring us one step closer to beating cancer. With the help of donations like yours, cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK. Right now, 2 in 4 people will survive their cancer for 1O years or more. But we won't stop there. Our ambition is to accelerate progress so that by 2034, 3 in 4 people will survive their cancer for 1O years or more. You're part of a movement of people who are bringing forward the day when all cancers are cured. Together, we will beat cancer. lf you have any problems or questions, we are here to help. You can email us at supporter.services@cancer.org.uk
Thank you for your support. The Cancer Research UK Team

October 2022
On behalf of the school, we would like to thank Mia, Olivia and Georgina for their work in organising the cake sale for Cancer Research.
The students raised 175 euros and this was matched by the school, giving a total of £350 euros.
We would like to thank all parents,
students and staff who contributed to the
cake sale.

September 2022
Year 11 Science: investigating electrical circuits.

September 2022
Year 10 Science: investigating osmosis in plant cells.

September 2022
Year 10 Spanish dialogue.

September 2022
Presenting in English as a Second Language: Is Fur OK in Fashion?

September 2022
Years 10 and 11 getting to know each other with some energetic rounds of beach volleyball.

We are thrilled to announce our A Level & IGCSE results for 2022!
This is another outstanding set of results for our students in the year we returned to exams.

Congratulations to our A Level students whose results include an A in Law and an A in Business Studies.
Our three full-time IGCSE students achieved A* - B in their subjects.
Showcasing Year 10 Art

School's Out For Summer!

May 2022
Last day of term and nearly the summer holidays. After a fantastic day out at the water park in Torremolinos yesterday, Year 10 exercise their artistic talents and business acumen with an innovative invention - the beer shade.
Craig intends to take the invention to Dragons' Den to get financing for mass production.
Some of us are a little dubious!

May 2022
Graduation 2022
After school on Thursday 5th May, we celebrated the graduation of the class of 2022.
Parents and students congregated in the study hall for some short speeches and presentations, before each student received their Graduation Certificate and had their photographs taken.
Afterwards we all enjoyed a wide variety of international cuisine, very kindly donated by parents and students.
Good luck to the class of 2022!

April 2022
On Tuesday 12th April, all of Emerald's Science students spent the day at Castellar Zoo, an interactive animal sanctuary.
Throughout the two-hour guided tour, students learnt about the numerous species they encountered, including several that were endangered and close to extinction. They even got the chance to get close up to many of them; such as Mango the Lemur, Campion the Eagle, snakes, goats and many more.
The students also gained insight into the importance of conservation and how zoo’s contribute largely to this.
We all say a huge thank you to Castellar Zoo and Anabelle, our guide, for making it such an interesting and educational trip.

April 2022
Year 11 students are awarded their Level 2 Certificates from YMCA.

Spring 2022
The vegetable garden is coming along nicely. Peppers, kale and tomatoes ready for eating.

21 December 2021
End Of Term Fun & Games
To finish the term with some festive fun, a number of Christmassy activities and competitions were organised by Claire, Craig, Charles M and others.
First was a cut-throat table-tennis competition, fiercely fought, but eventually won by Charles M.
This was followed by creative activities, involving making Christmas decorations out of recycled materials.
And downstairs was the tallest Christmas tree competition.
There were also some delicious cookies baked as well.
The students were dismissed at lunchtime to enjoy a well-earned Christmas break.

16 December 2021
Secret Santa.
Continuing our celebration of the festive season, the students enjoyed exchanging presents anonymously with a Secret Santa, after a pizza-fest at lunchtime.
Also, the prize for the best Christmas cake was awarded to Georgina, Natalie and Sofia.

15 December 2021
Christmas came early for Emerald Sixth Form students.
To celebrate the festive season and the end of their mock exams, our students went to visit the wonderful Chocolate Factory in Mijas, where they learnt about the chocolate making process.
Each individual student and accompanying member of staff made their own selection of chocolate bonbons, chocolate bars and chocolate drinks, combining different types of chocolates with a wide range of fruity and sweet edible decorations.
All left the chocolate factory with their own sweet creations and with their heads filled with sweet memories and the satisfaction of having learnt something new.
Emerald Sixth Form is thankful to all the staff at the Mijas Chocolate factory for such an exciting morning of fun and cooperative learning.

25 November 2021
A beach clean of plastic was undertaken by our students today. Look how much they collected!

24 November 2021
Ecology & Self-sufficiency
Students having a chat today about ecosystems, nature and creating their own vegetable garden.. Lots of activities, students were engaged and interested!

28 October 2021
Fun & Games On The Beach For Halloween
The students of Emerald Sixth Form spent a couple of fun hours down on the beach. A competition was held with team and individual events, with a cash prize.

19 October 2021
Psychology Students Have Inspirational Guest Speaker Via Zoom

24 September 2021
Charity Collection in Aid of Sierra Bermeja Fire Victims
Emerald students and their families generously donated all manner of items to help those severely affected by the horrendous forest fire, which ravaged the Sierra Bermeja region recently.

26 May 2021
Spick and Span
Students taking responsibility for their beautiful school, doing some cleaning outside and maintaining the colourful flower pots, decorated by them earlier in the term.

25 May 2021
Surfing Trip to Conil
An end-of-year adventure for our students, surfing at Conil on the beautiful west coast.

7 May 2021
Emerald Sixth Form Graduation 2021
Friday 7 May saw the students of Year 11 and 13 of Emerald Sixth Form graduating as the Class of 2021.

23 April 2021
Today we're having a more creative lesson in Sociology, making posters about the factors that help us all to be successful in school and education.

26 March 2021
On Friday 26 March, our GCSE students were given a break from their studies to attend a different sort of lesson at a local pottery school.

11 March 2021
Students and teacher are attempting the Brenda Milner and Henry Molaison star tests, practised in early psychology research for memory.

11 January 2021
After the devastation of storm Filomena, a group of our students from Emerald Sixth Form carried out a beach clean in our local area.
We managed to fill three bin bags with an assortment of non biodegradable waste. It was shocking how much plastic and baby wipes we found in just a short stretch of beach.
The students even received a round of applause from members of the public!
Let's hope we can encourage more people from our community to do the same.